Environmental Justice for Manufactured Home Community Residents: A Call to Conversation and to Action

By Tee Thomas, Vice President

During my nearly 20 years in the water field, I have had a peripheral view of the challenges faced by Manufactured Home Communities (MHCs).  

It wasn't until the Vermont legislature required my then employer – the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation – to analyze our water financing programs and evaluate how we could amend them to better serve MHCs that I got a real taste of what these communities lacked and what they needed. 

These communities – sometimes referred to as mobile home parks or trailer parks – house 6% of the U.S. population and have a series of environmental justice challenges, as well as a lingering stigma. This results in MHCs being overlooked and ignored when it comes to developing solutions.     

In working to shine a spotlight on these communities and drive toward solutions, I highlight 6 challenges faced by MHCs and 5 actions we should take to improve the quality of life for the MHC residents of today and tomorrow. 

I hope these writings serve as a call to conversation and a call to action!

Contact me at thomas@quantifiedventures.com to connect about building environmental justice solutions for Manufactured Home Communities.